Sometimes a rabbits teeth are mis-aligned. This can happen by pulling on a cage, a fall or from a congenital condition. They overlap, grow too long and can interfere with eating - to the point of deat ...
This is the beginning part of a six part video describing grooming English angoras. ...
It is very hard to see the blood line in a dark toenail. This video will show you how to trim or cut a dark toenail without hurting the rabbit or bunny. ...
This video shows you how to turn a rabbit over on its back when holding it. ...
Putting a rabbit down so it won't be frightened is exactly the opposite of picking the rabbit up. ...
Patti the Garden Girl shears one of her angora rabbits, in preparation for making a baby hat. ...
If you're interested in owning a rabbit, or perhaps have one or two already, follow London Vauxhall City Farm's step by step guide to caring for your rabbit. Information is provided on the proper hous ...